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I’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement.  Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest updates

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The Top 10 [Gallup] Workplace Leadership Articles of 2018

Gallup: “Leaders who create strong workplaces — the companies that everyone wants to be a part of — don’t do it by accident. They’re intentional about improving their people strategies and their performance outcomes. And they start by seeking out the best insights. We’ve curated this top 10 list to reveal what our readers were most interested in this year and to give you our best insights for creating an exceptional workplace in 2019.”

Job Quit Rates Are Soaring: Here Are 5 Tactics to Keep Your Employees

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “It’s not just things like salary and perks that influence an employee’s decision to stay or go. In fact, data from the Work Institute’s 2018 Retention Report reveals that 77% of employees who voluntarily leave their jobs do so for addressable reasons like a lack of career development or poor work-life balance. And, these are things every company can do something about. With that in mind, here are five simple strategies you can use to boost engagement and increase retention.”

How One Of The Largest Law Firms In The World Is Changing The Way They Work, Collaborate, And Lead

The Future Organization: “This week’s guest is Andrew Glincher, CEO and Managing Partner at Nixon Peabody, one of the largest law firms. Nixon Peabody isn’t an ordinary law firm and Andrew isn’t your typical CEO. In fact, as you will here in today’s discussion, Andrew is simply not content with the traditional ways that law firms are used to operating. He and his team at Nixon Peabody are finding ways to increase collaboration, change the way they think about space, encourage leaders to be empathetic listeners, and use technology to be more efficient and productive.”

An awakened workforce and how to serve it through engagement

IT Pro Portal: “The workforce you serve is not just your customers, but also the IT professionals themselves, the steps mentioned here help to be considered and acted upon, and through them the workforce will likely awaken, and the organisation as a whole to embrace a new way of working, and a new way of accomplishment.”

The 46 top People Geekly articles of 2018

CultureAmp: “As we’ve done in 2016 and 2017, we’re excited to bring you 2018’s top People Geekly articles. Read on to revisit some of your old favorites or find a new one.”

Employee Retention: The State of Engagement in Public Accounting Firms and Why It Matters

The CPA Journal: “One of the most challenging issues facing leaders in the public accounting profession is the high rate of employee turnover. A recent survey finds that turnover in large CPA firms (those with revenues in excess of $75 million) is 17%, and one in every six firms experiences annual turnover of 20% or greater. Given that the direct costs associated with replacing a professional staff member can be as much as 50%–60% of the employee’s annual salary, there is little wonder why firms are continuously searching for ways to keep high-quality employees.”

5 Stages in the Employee Lifecycle When Surveys Are a Must

Quantum Workplace: “There are certain moments in our lives that are simply more important than others.” “These are times to reflect, take stock of our current state, and compare with previous years. The same goes for the employee lifecycle.” “These moments provide natural checkpoints for organizations to check on employee engagement.” “Use these five critical moments to re-assess employee engagement and improve your workplace.”

8 Strategies To Support Foundation Skill Development In The Workplace

eLearning Industry: “Foundation skills develop the fundamental skill sets needed in the modern business environment. They have been described as the basics of general business literacy. Those who have them are liable to adapt and progress. Those that don’t, risk being left behind in a fast-changing business environment.”

Our [HR Dive] 10 best talent stories of 2018

HR Dive: “2018 was an eventful year for talent professionals, who adapted new benefits, strove to meet the needs of a contingent workforce, and tackled a high quit rate head-on.”

Leaders & Losers In The Year of Employee Experience

Forbes: “’Was 2018 “The Year of Employee Experience’?  Back in January, I observed that it was no longer enough for companies to make CX a corporate priority.  The next competitive frontier, I suggested, was employee experience (EX).  In fact, I thought the signs indicated so strongly that EX would become the next priority for organizations that I called 2018 “The Year of Employee Experience.” Today I revisit the topic to assess how organizations did on EX this past year.”

Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add?  What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.

Let’s Engage!  

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.  

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.  

Photo of Gregory F Simpson

You can follow me @agtinengagement.  
Email me at g…@a…  
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P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.  

Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: