I’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement.  Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement  to stay current with the latest updates.


These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.



Four Ways To Help Your Employees Feel More Fulfilled (And Why You Need To)

Forbes: “A new PwC/CECP study shows that meaning and fulfillment at work is the new standard employees expect of their work experience, and one that companies need to embrace if they want to cultivate the best workforce, now and in the future. Some key findings from the study reveal just how much companies need to rethink how they can contribute to the employee experience becoming more meaningful if they want to remain competitive.”



Expert Ed Nathanson’s 8 Tips for Building Your Employer Brand — Without Investing BigBucks

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “’It’snot about size,’ Ed told a Talent Connect 2018 breakout entitled“Build a Compelling Employer Brand Without the Big Bucks.” “It’s not about consumer brand. It’s about effort. It’s about dedication. It’s about doing your homework and about being authentic and understanding the importance of humor and heart.” Here are Ed’s eight tactics for building an enviable employer brand without ever writing a big check.”


How The World’s Largest Employer Is Evolving For The Future Of Work

The Future Organization: “Today I am joined by two guests, both from Walmart, Jacqui Canney, EVP and Chief People Officer and Clay Johnson, EVP

and Chief Information Officer. This is a conversation you don’t want to miss! Weare talking about how Walmart is leveraging the newest technology in order to keep their huge workforce relevant. Learn how they are using virtual reality for training, Workplace by Facebook for communication, blockchain to track food back to its source as well as mobile apps, AI, IoT and much more. Plus how HR and IT can collaborate, how they test out new ideas at store #8 and top trends they are paying attention to.”


How to build a culture of trust in your company

Fast Company: “Trust is often cited by relationship experts as the key to a long-lasting and successful union. But trust is also an essential ingredient in your workplace relationships, impacting employee satisfaction, retention, and even productivity.” “So, how can you build a culture of trust in your workplace?”


Employee voice is everywhere – but businesses aren’t listening, experts warn

People Management (UK): “Engagement must go beyond one-off surveys and foster culture of continuous feedback, CIPD event is told.”


How Company Culture Impacts Employee Engagement

Training Zone (UK): “’Culture’ may seem like a nebulous “touchy-feely” term that is difficult to define and quantify. But it need not be. It can be evaluated and improved using information gathered from your employees. In essence, how do your employees feel about their jobs and the environment in which they conduct them? And what can you do to establish [a] positive work culture?” “Here are some key strategies for obtaining a positive work culture.”


The Benefits of Leaders Asking Powerful Questions

Skip Prichard: “Powerful questions are the only ones that will get the conversation to where it should go, providing solutions and helping everyone involved move forward with increased vigor and excitement about the current task or project.”


Kim Cameron, Ph.D. On Mastering Your 1-on-1 Meetings

15Five: “What separates high performing organizations from all the rest? Research shows that quality 1-on-1meetings —those indispensable conversations between managers andemployees— are a huge factor! One-on-ones can range from dreaded,“check-the-box” status updates to energizing, even life-changing conversations. As we’ll see below, science shows the best conversations have several things in common.”


From 0 to 100: Managing the employee life cycle

Human Resources Online: “In this exclusive, Jerene Ang speaks to HR leaders from Scoot, TWG Tea, Arrow Electronics and YITU to derive best practices for each stage of talent management.


When a Leader Is Causing Conflict, Start by Asking Why

Harvard Business Review: “How do you coach a leader whom others think is a hopeless case? Sometimes you can’t. The person may well turn out to be a jerk who won’t change their toxic ways. In that case, the company needs to fire the individual. But, often…the leader who everyone thinks is hopeless is simply being misunderstood and their behavior misdiagnosed.”


Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add?  What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.


Let’s Engage!  

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.  

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.  

Photo of Gregory F Simpson

You can follow me @agtinengagement.  
Email me at g…@a…t.com.  
Connect via LinkedIn at LinkedIn.com/in/GregoryFSimpson.  

P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.  

Other recent Agent In Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: