I’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement. Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest updates.
“These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.”
4 Reasons Talented Employees Don’t Reach Their Potential
Harvard Business Review: “The truth is that most people are not even bothered to try their best after they have been on the job for more than six months, a time-frame known as the honeymoon period. Although there are many reasons for this, here are four common causes of under-performance and how to address them.”
Can’t Concentrate? 5 Insidious Ways Your Office Design Can Make You Less Productive
Huffington Post: “Office design can influence how much productive work you get done in a day. If you regularly find yourself listlessly staring at your work, you may want to consider whether the following environmental factors and workspace design choices are holding you back from your full potential.”
How to Boost Employee Engagement Without Breaking the Bank
Inc.: “With so much focus on customer experience, the conversation has gotten away from the people who make good experiences possible: employees.” “Companies looking for happier customers should look at their employees first.” “To keep top talent satisfied and productive, offer the following low-cost perks.”
The Benefits Of Employee One-On-Ones And 3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Them
Forbes: “When it comes to the development of employees, the human element can never fully be replaced. Face-to-face meetings allow managers to ask probing questions, sense body language and gauge responses while creating a personalized touch showing the employee their feedback, concerns and growth are valued.”
How The CEO Of Zapier Leads A 100% Remote Team
The Future Organization: “My guest this week is Wade Foster, Co-founder and CEO of Zapier, a company that helps users connect multiple apps together to automate tasks. Zapier has a team of around 200 remote employees located all over the world and in today’s discussion you will hear how Wade leads a 100% remote team and everything that goes along with that–how they create a corporate culture, how they communicate and collaborate, how they handle benefits and perks and much more.”
Candidates’ Soft Skills are Notoriously Hard to Assess, But Following These 6 Steps Will Help
LinkedIn Talent Blog: “The psychologist Nicholas Humphrey once stated that a person’s social intelligence — the soft skills they use to interact with their environment and the people around them — defines them far more than their quantitative intelligence. And with artificial intelligence and automation making many hard skills obsolete, this is increasingly true in the workplace.” “Here are six steps you can take to pinpoint and measure these soft skills effectively, consistently, and without inviting unconscious bias into the process.”
The High Cost of Undervaluing Older Talent
Government Executive: “If retention is the goal, agencies will need to address two considerations. First, there is a need to identify the individuals who have demonstrated essential expertise who will soon be eligible to retire. The second is developing strategies to make it attractive to continue working in government. The options are several; the goal is to convince them their contributions are needed and valued.”
10 Things That You Can Do To Improve The Employee Experience
Forbes: “What drives you crazy at work and decreases your productivity?” “Through that question they were able to identify the top 10 biggest pain points for employees, i.e. those that hinder employee engagement and have a negative impact on the employee experience. As it turns out the list feels like a to-do list for companies if they want to improve their employee experience. So, here is that list and some suggestions about what you could do about each of the pain points.”
We Created an Award Winning Culture at Greenhouse – Here’s How
Greenhouse: “After working here for almost a full year, I’ve come to a definitive realization. The perks are great, but we’re outstanding because our values are embedded into every initiative. Everyone is encouraged to be their true authentic selves, and to be effective and impactful. Here’s what makes our culture so great that helps keep our employees happy, engaged and willing to stay.”
Corporate Culture – Your Secret Weapon in Talent Management: How to Define and Enhance Yours
EDSI Solutions: “If your company’s culture is lackluster, ill-defined, or non-existent, read on. You’ll learn about the direct benefits of having an intentional company culture, and the most effective ways to build a positive one.”
Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add? What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.
Let’s Engage!
I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.
Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.

You can follow me @agtinengagement.
Email me at g…@a…t.com.
Connect via LinkedIn at LinkedIn.com/in/GregoryFSimpson.
Learn more about me at gregoryfsimpson.com.
P.S. First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.
Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson:
- Employee Engagement Operative Insights: 2019.03.18 – 2019.03.22
- Top Employee Engagement-Related Articles of February 2019
- Top 9 Books from the 2018 Agent In Engagement Reading List – Part 2
- Top 9 Books from the 2018 Agent In Engagement Reading List – Part 1
- Top 5 Most-Viewed Agent In Engagement Blog Posts of 2018
- Top Employee Engagement-Related Articles of January 2019
- 2018 Year In Review – Engagement Infographic