DECLASSIFIED - Wikimedia CommonsI’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement.  Below is the latest briefing on employee engagement intelligence. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest updates.



“These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.”




How Better People Practices Can Bring a 6x Return on Investment

Greenhouse: “Within the world of People and Talent, it’s traditionally been tough to demonstrate the concept of ROI. It’s difficult to assign value to people objectively and there are too many variables. But here at Greenhouse we’ve been giving this a lot of thought, which is why Senior Director of Growth Marketing Lauren Ryan recently presented “How to Understand the ROI of Investing in Your People.” In this webinar, Lauren set out to answer the question: ‘What is our story as People practitioners for the return we’re going to provide if we get a particular investment?’”




Want to Improve Productivity? Hire Better Managers

Gallup: “According to our recent State of the Global Workplace report, 85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work. The economic consequences of this are approximately $7 trillion in lost productivity. If 70% of that number can be attributed to managers, then one solution becomes clear: It’s time to transform management for good.”



Putting The Humanity Back Into Human Resources: EA’s Chief People Officer On The New HR Function

The Future Organization: “Mala Singh serves as Chief People Officer for Electronic Arts (EA) where she focuses on developing their talent and cultivating the company culture. In this role, Mala oversees Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, Facilities and Corporate Services.”



Making This One Thing Part of Your Company Culture Will Boost Employee Engagement and Retention

LinkedIn Talent Blog: “Whether it’s sweeping gestures or small but meaningful efforts, there are plenty of ways to make giving back a core part of your company’s culture and perks. And, companies that are doing that are reaping the rewards. Here’s a look at how four companies—large and small—have benefited from implementing volunteer programs and how you can do the same.”



This Week in Employee Engagement: July 30, 2018

Maritz Motivation Solutions: “Here is our weekly roundup series to help you stay connected to the often overwhelming landscape of employee engagement thought leadership. Start here to narrow down your search each week.”



How and Why Employee Advocacy Can Boost Your Startup’s Engagement Rate on Facebook

Business 2 Community: “Brands that have an employee advocacy program in place grow twice as fast as those that don’t use employee advocacy according to StoreKit. One reason for this is that having an employee advocacy program will transform your employees into your brand ambassadors. That means that they will need to have a deeper understanding of your brand and products to make sure that they’re promoted to their followers in a sincere, natural, and genuine fashion.”



You Need a Strategy If You Hope to Keep Your High Performers

Entrepreneur: “If your most ambitious people don’t see a path forward, they will look for a path out.”



The most used HR metrics and KPIs for human resources departments “As the competition for talent continues to heat amid a shrinking workforce in many developed countries, the monitoring of HR policies has become essential. Effective metrics and KPIs can help to flag up areas of trouble, including high turnover and low staff engagement rates to help retain key workers.”



Amazon sparks privacy concerns as patent reveals AR goggles to direct employees through warehouses – and monitor their every move

DailyMail: “Amazon has patented a pair of augmented reality goggles that could be used to keep a close eye on its employees. A newly filed patent describes a ‘wearable computing device’ that would overlay turn-by-turn directions on the goggles’ screen, showing employees where to place certain objects in one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers. However, the goggles laid out in the patent have raised the ire of privacy advocates who believe they could be used for far more nefarious purposes, such as tracking employees’ every move.”



How to Earn a Reputation as a Fair Manager

Harvard Business Review: “At some point in your career, you likely encountered a manager you believed was unfair. You probably thought to yourself, “When I’m a manager, I’m never going to be like that!” Now that you’ve been promoted to a management position, you’re probably dedicating significant amounts of time and energy to making unbiased decisions, but no doubt finding that the right balance is elusive. Sadly, there is no objective measure of fairness. Instead, each time you attempt to level the playing field on one dimension, you throw it off balance on another. The best, if imperfect, approach is to understand the different forms of fairness and to be thoughtful about when and how you apply them.”




Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add?  What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.



Let’s Engage! 

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.

Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.

Photo of Gregory F SimpsonYou can follow me @agtinengagement.
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P.S.  First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.

Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson: