I’m Simpson…Gregory F Simpson, Agent In Engagement. Below is the latest intelligence briefing on employee engagement. Follow @agtinengagement to stay current with the latest intelligence.
“These assets have been declassified and should be distributed to fellow “Agents” for review.”
Website: New York Times
Article: When Employee Engagement Turns Into Employee Burnout
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/14/business/dealbook/when-employee-engagement-turns-into-employee-burnout.html?_r=0
Author: Tony Schwartz
Comment: “Companies in which employees reported being taken care of – including not working too many hours – has twice the operating profits margins of those with traditionally engaged employees, and three times the profit levels of those with the least engaged employees.”
Website: Gallup
Article: U.S. Employee Engagement Reaches Three-Year High
Link: http://www.gallup.com/poll/181895/employee-engagement-reaches-three-year-high.aspx?utm_source=tagrss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication
Author: Amy Adkins
Comment: “The percentage of U.S. workers engaged in their jobs rose from an average 31.7% in January to an average 32.9% in February. The latest monthly rate of employee engagement is the highest Gallup has recorded in three years and is a full 1 1/2 percentage points above where it stood in February 2014.”
Website: The Times of India
Article: Bosses, not money, make staff stick to company
Link: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Bosses-not-money-make-staff-stick-to-company/articleshow/46511067.cms
Author: Namrata Singh
Comment: “The verdict on what keeps employees engaged with the company is in, and it’s not money. What it reinforces is the cliche that people leave bosses and not companies. Even as companies try to get it right on all counts, an employee engagement study by Dale Carnegie reveals a somewhat grim picture in Indian companies.”
Website: Dairy Herd Management
Article: Engaged employees make better employees for your dairy
Link: http://www.dairyherd.com/news/engaged-employees-make-better-employees-your-dairy
Author: Julie Sievert
Comment: “What are some things you, as a dairy owner or manager, can do to increase employee engagement on your farm? Here are a few suggestions, from “What Engages Employees the Most, or the Ten C’s of Employee Engagement” by Dan Crim and Gerard Seijts.”
Website: Business 2 Community
Article: Workplace Relationships: The Lifeblood of Culture and Engagement
Link: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/workplace-relationships-lifeblood-culture-engagement-01177667
Author: Shea Heaver
Comment: “Many companies struggle and fail with their efforts to implement effective ways to improve their corporate culture and their employee relations. While employee engagement continues to be a hot topic with endless reports, statistics and trinkets of information on how organizations can improve and get more from their staff, how does an organization go about implementing meaningful corporate culture and employee engagement?”
Website: Huffington Post
Article: The Growing Importance of Managers in Employee Engagement
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gail-s-thornton/the-growing-importance-of_1_b_6775364.html
Author: Gail S. Thornton
Comment: “The trend toward more employee engagement has been particularly visible since the global economic downturn of the late 2000s as global companies have sought to become more efficient and effective in their operations. Results from the International Association of Business Communicators Research Foundation’s second Employee Engagement Survey in 2010, a survey of nearly 900 corporate leaders, directors, managers and employees from around the world make this point clearly. This survey found that senior leaders were utilizing their internal communicators nearly 50 percent more frequently than in the previous year, but companies were engaging with employees significantly more after the economic downturn.”
Website: Employee Engage App (UK)
Article: 6 Simple Tips to Boost Employee Engagement
Link: http://www.employeeengageapp.co.uk/blog/6-simple-tips-to-boost-employee-engagement/
Author: Kirsty Auterson
Comment: “Being able to extract the collective wisdom of an organisation is the goal, but ensuring that the people within it actually care about the business is the process; it is this process that must be developed to truly engage employees.”
Website: Chartered Global Management Accountant
Article: “Softer” issues of culture, engagement becoming harder for companies to master
Link: http://www.cgma.org/Magazine/News/Pages/employee-engagement-tips-201511934.aspx?TestCookiesEnabled=redirect
Author: Neil Amato
Comment: “Deloitte listed six key findings from its research, which came from more than 3,300 HR and business leaders in more than 100 countries.”
Website: Human Resource Executive Online
Article: Moving the Engagement Needle
Link: http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/view/story.jhtml?id=534358463
Author: Steve Boese
Comment: “Here are three areas HR leaders should consider when faced with the challenge of raising employee-engagement levels.”
Website: Entrepreneur
Article: ‘Yes Men’ No More: 5 Tips to Grow Engaged and Empowered Employees
Link: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/243209
Author: Chris Byers
Comment: “So, how can leaders cultivate high-performing teams who are empowered and motivated to take action on behalf of your brand? Here are five tips to help nurture this attitude in your own corporate culture.”
Fellow Agents, what are your thoughts on this intelligence? What do you have to add? What other sources should be consulted? Make entries in the comments log below.
Let’s Engage!
I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.
Employee engagement is a critical mission. I hope I can count on your help! Subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive the latest intelligence/insights and/or register to make entries in the comments log.
You can follow me @agtinengagement.
Email me at g…@a…t.com.
Learn more about me at www.gregoryfsimpson.com.
P.S. First contact? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement community. Explore and join fellow employee engagement operatives in targeting a known thief – alias: Disengagement. Together we can bring this thief to justice and make the world a better place for all companies and their employees.
Other recent Agent in Engagement data/reports by Agent Gregory F Simpson:
- Veteran Operative Employee Engagement Insights: 2015.03.02 – 2015.03.06
- In the News— Employee Engagement Connotations
- The Wheel of Employee Engagement: Opportunity for Advancement
- The Wheel of Employee Engagement: Growth & Development
- The Wheel of Employee Engagement: Recognition & Rewards
- The Wheel of Employee Engagement: Manager – Employee Relationship
- The Wheel of Employee Engagement: An Introduction