vector-thumb-up illustrationBelow is a briefing on some interesting employee engagement articles, blog posts, books, etc. that I came across last week.



Website: LinkedIn (Pulse)
Article: 8 tips for improving employee engagement (or customer engagement)
Author: Matthew Partovi

Comment: I found number 7, “Be aware of subtleties of language” to be my favorite tip.



Website: Melcrum (blog)
Article: The CEO thought leader: Engaging employees from outside the firewall
Author: Christopher Swan

Comment: The author suggests that CEOs could better connect with employees by blogging through LinkedIn, a company blog, or using twitter and offers three must-haves for an impactful CEO thought leadership.



Website: 3BL Media
Article: How Small Steps for Engagement Become Giant Steps for EHS at Toyota
Author: National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM)

Comment: An interview about employee engagement at Toyota with Ryan McMullan, Environmental & Safety Manager with Toyota Motor Sales



Website: Diplomatic Courier
Article: The Future of CSR is People (Your People)
Author: Rachel Hutchisson

Comment: “Today, Corporate Social Responsibility—sometimes dubbed philanthropy, corporate giving, and more recently “social entrepreneurship”—is as central to employee engagement as it is to public relations.”



Website: Business 2 Community
Article: Employee Engagement: Fostering the Courage to Push Back
Author: Sue Cockburn

Comment: Leaders need to learn how to push back and share differing opinions without being intimidated by or intimidating their employees.



Website:  Deloitte University Press
Article: Passion at Work – Executive Summary
Authors: John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Alok Ranjan, & Daniel Byler

Comment: “This report uses new survey data to debunk five myths about passionate workers and offer predictive evidence of how companies can cultivate passion in the workforce. Specifically, this report reveals the unexpected profile of passionate workers, their motivations, and the reasons they are so important for a resilient workforce.”



Website: Business 2 Community
Article: Engage Employees in the Engagement Process
Author:  Shea Heaver

Comment: “By implementing a program where the employees get immediate feedback on the state of their team and are then able to discuss in an interactive and collaborative manner ways to improve areas of concern, each team will boost engagement which leads to rapid holistic improvements across the organization.”



Website: TechVibes (Blog)
Article: The New Rules of Engagement: How Tech is Energizing Employee Communication
Author: Caitlin Carpenter

Comment: “As more companies adopt mobile for engaging employees in their corporate programs, some of the “new rules of engagement” for mobile communication have emerged.”



Website: Gallup (Business Journal)
Article:  Why Women Are Better Managers Than Men
Authors: Kimberly Fitch and Sangeeta Agrawal

Comment: “U.S. employees with female bosses are more engaged than employees with male bosses.”



Website: Iowa Now
Article: ‘My two cents in five minutes’
Author:  Lois J Gray

Comment: This article is an interview on employee engagement with Eean R. Crawford, Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations and the Cannon Faculty Scholarship for Teaching Excellence in the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.



Website: Forbes
Article: Need Higher Employee Engagement? Zions Bank May Have The Answer
Author: Larry Myler

Comment: This article is about employee engagement at Zions Bank and “the fresh thinking and management practices that have been transforming the workforce within the regional financial institution.”



Website: Towers Watson
Article: Global Trends in Employee Attraction, Retention and Engagement
Author: Towers Watson

Comment: “How the 2014 Global Workforce and Global Talent Management and Rewards Studies relate to sustainably engaged employees.”




What are your thoughts on these selections? What articles, blog posts, books, etc. can you recommend to other “Agents”?  Let’s talk about them in the comments below!




P.S.  First time here? Welcome to the Agent In Engagement site. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!  I hope you’ll explore the rest of the site. Let me know what employee engagement topics interest you.

Other recent Agent in Engagement articles by Gregory F Simpson:


Let’s Engage!

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.

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