Lelkskolinn Furugrund -Flickr - 15182725395_2e0b632eaf_zI stopped in Barnes & Noble the other day and noticed a promotion around a children’s book, called The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt & Oliver Jeffers.


Have you read it? I did even though I have no children. While this book targets children ages 3 – 7, you might be surprised by how familiar the story sounds in relation to disengagement on your team.


The book begins by introducing us to a boy named Duncan. “One day in class, Duncan went to take out his crayons and found a stack of letters with his name on them.”1  In the letters, each color makes its case for quitting.


The Day The Crayons Quit


How many of these colors sound like the people you manage or that you know within your organization? Isn’t this an interesting metaphor for disengaged employees?


How does the story end? “Well, poor Duncan just wanted to color and of course he wanted his crayons to be happy. And that gave him an idea.”2   Does this story give you any ideas on how you can better engage your employees? Duncan figured it out. I hope you can too!



What are your thoughts on the “crayons”?  What are some other metaphors for disengaged employees?



1 Daywalt, Drew, and Oliver Jeffers. The Day the Crayons Quit. 1st ed. Philomel, 2013. Print.

2 Ibid.



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Other recent Agent in Engagement articles by Gregory F Simpson:



Let’s Engage!

I’m Agent in Engagement Simpson…Gregory F Simpson.

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