Employee Engagement Recap for Week of March 31 – April 4, 2014
Below is a curation of some interesting employee engagement articles, blog posts, books, etc. that I came across last week. Website: ASTD.org (American Society for Training & Development) Article: Putting the FOCUS on Coaching Link: http://www.astd.org/Publications/Magazines/TD/TD-Archive/2014/04/Putting-the-FOCUS-on-Coaching?mktcops=c.senior-leadersexecutives~c.human-capital&mktcois=c.coaching-and-mentoring~c.engagement~c.management-development~c.leadership-development Author: Sandi Maxey Comment: A bank wanted to improve engagement and focused basic management skills and knowledge of employment law in order to get to their larger goal of developing manager coaching skills. This article provides insight into how the bank used a coaching certification program to begin to move the needle on engagement. Website: DigitalJournal.com Article: TalentKeepers Releases [...]